Datasets, Schedule and Judging
Housing Court Data 2014 from Project Hope:
Boston homicide data (1963 – 2016):
Hubway data:
Hubway challenge documentation:
Boston Area Research Initiative:
Other data sets
Boston approved building permits here or here
Zillow Boston Median Listing Price per sq. ft. here
Boston Airbnb listings, reviews data
Boston neighborhood blight and building data here
Boston property assessment here and parcel data here
2015 Greater Boston Housing Report Card here
Housing a Changing City Boston 2030 here
Housing data 1950-2010 here
City of Boston-owned property here
Boston Metropolitan Area Planning Council housing data here
Freddie Mac fixed-rate mortgage dataset from 1999-2015 here
Full Zillow data here
Sea level rise data for New England here
Boston Hubway bicycle trip data here
Bicycle collisions in Boston (2009-2012) here
Boston existing bicycle network here
Boston taxi data May 2012 – Nov 2012 here
Cambridge daily traffic counts 1972-2017 here
Massachusetts real-time roadway travel feed here
Crime and complaints
Boston homicides data here
Commonwealth Connect data (2009-2015) here
Boston FIO (field interviews and observation) data here
Boston crime incident reports (2015-now) here
Boston Police Dept. license plate scanner data here
Boston precincts data here
Boston food pantry data here
Boston schools public here and non-public here
Boston census data in JSON here
Boston 2010 census tracts here
Geographical data layers for Boston here
Big data repos
Boston Wicked Open Data here
Crime in the U.S. 1994-2013 here
Construction Activity in the United States here
Subsidized housing here
Solar panel installations here
D.C. metro ridership here
Bike sharing for NYC, DC, Seattle, Chicago and San Francisco here
Crime in the United States from FBI 1995–2014 here
National Neighborhood Crime Study here
9:00am Breakfast
9:45am Lightning Talks
10:15am Logistics and Team Formation
1:00pm Lunch and Hacking
3:30pm Presentations
4:00pm Awards
4:15pm Close
A panel of Northeastern professors from across the College of Arts, Media and Design will judge the submissions. Projects will be judged on their originality, the rigor of their data sourcing and analysis, and the accuracy and appeal of their visual storytelling.