Some of the best #AdviceForYoungJournalists
Yesterday, Felix Salmon of Fusion doled out some grim advice for young journalists, namely that “life is not good for journalists” and that jobs in journalism, like his, are a combination of luck and privilege. Don’t do it, he says. Vox‘s Ezra Klein offered a rebuttal encouraging young journalists to trade prestige for opportunity, to outwork their elders, and to do work that will get noticed.
Advice for budding journalists, from @felixsalmon. (tl;dr: don't do it!)
— Felix Salmon (@felixsalmon) February 9, 2015
Journalists took to Twitter to offer some of their own advice. Here’s some of the best. Scroll down for a live feed of the hashtag which is now trending on Twitter.
@jbarro @felixsalmon I think that's true for the vast majority of journalists. It's become a classic superstar economy. Like acting.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) February 9, 2015
Read. Read everything. Read newspapers, magazines, websites, great literature. All help form your writing style #AdviceForYoungJournalists
— Alan Fisher (@AlanFisher) February 10, 2015
Journalism isn't just writing. And journalism isn't just what journalists do. It's a way to look into the world #AdviceForYoungJournalists
— Alberto Cairo (@AlbertoCairo) February 10, 2015
You don’t always have to wait for approval. You may get in trouble. That’s okay. #AdviceForYoungJournalists
— melody joy kramer (@mkramer) February 10, 2015
This I wholeheartedly endorse RT @modernistwitch: Archive everything you write. #AdviceForYoungJournalists
— Joshua Benton (@jbenton) February 10, 2015
Next #AdviceForYoungJournalists: don't work for free. They say 'work for exposure', but as every mountaineer knows, you can die of exposure.
— richard glover (@rgloveroz) February 10, 2015
Read voraciously. Build community. Earn our trust. Tweet your beat. Learn to code. Be a skeptic. Show your work.#AdviceForYoungJournalists
— Alex Howard (@digiphile) February 10, 2015
#AdviceForYoungJournalists Be creative, factual & honest. Just WRITE it. Never betray a source. Believe in yourself. Respect all, fear none.
— Oluwashina Okeleji (@oluwashina) February 10, 2015
#AdviceForYoungJournalists Pick up the phone. Not joking. Ring them up. In person. On their cell phone. At the weekend.
— emily bell (@emilybell) February 10, 2015
Advice for young journalists: everyone has to think differently about careers in the future, nothing is assured.Still best job in the world.
— emily bell (@emilybell) February 9, 2015
Tell stories that aren't being heard. Amplify unheard voices. "Go to where the silence is" – Amy Goodman. #AdviceforYoungJournalists
— Laurie Penny (@PennyRed) February 10, 2015
#AdviceForYoungJournalists Tweets
“dispensed with”? Young journalists, there will always be room for more copy editors.
Thanks Jonny!