Insights Round-ups

Year-end listicles we’re clicking

Predictions for 2015

Nieman Lab’s top predictions for journalism in 2015: Melody Kramer on crowdsourcing, Alberto Cairo on visualization, Philip Bump on news notifications, Zeynep Tufekci on getting creeped out by algorithms, Latoya Peterson on how communication is changing, among others.


Best-of lists

Interactive storytelling

The New York Times roundup of its best interactive storytelling, graphics and multimedia of 2014. Find 2013’s roundup here.


The best data visualization projects of 2014 from Flowing Data.

The best data journalism of 2014 from FiveThirtyEight.

The best science visualizations of the year at Wired.

The top 100 interactives of 2014 from Visualoop. And here are Visualoop’s top dataviz interviews of 2014.


Top 10 photos in journalism from 500px.

2014: the year in pictures from the New York Times.


14 striking Pew research findings from 2014.

Best digital and social media research of 2014 from the Shorenstein Center including mapping the Trayvon Martin media response, looking at filter bubbles and echo chambers, and researching change in the news landscape.


The top 10 podcast episodes of 2014 brought to us by The People Podcast, including Studio360, Unfictional, StartUp, and Brian Lehrer.

Best 21 podcasts of the year from WNYC, including Serial, Meet the Composer, Radiolab, Studio360, The Moth and BBC.


Best editorial cartoons of 2014 from The Week.

The best of the worst journalism of 2014 from CJR.

The best ‘solutions journalism’ of 2014 including pieces on mental illness, environmental remediation, veteran’s issues and MOOCs.

Best uses of social media in journalism in 2014 from ijnet.

DON’T MISS  NICAR: Data stories from last year that you could be doing in your newsroom


Tools for journalists and storytellers

2,500 journalism tools compiled by Ezra Eeman at Journalism Tools.

7 tools to maximize efficiency on social media, including Nuzzel, Buffer, Feedly, Swayy, Pocket, and IFTTT (here’s our how-to on IFTTT).

10 Google tools investigative journalists should learn to use.

20 data vizualization tools and resources from 2014, including Visits, Odyssey.js, and Visage.


Miscellaneous lists

November’s Information is Beautiful awards. Winner: Rappers sorted by vocabulary.

Five dirty words journalists need to learn, from James Breiner.

Ben Zimmer’s nominees for best word of 2014. Our favorite? Dronie: a selfie taken by a drone.


Aleszu Bajak

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